Avida Towers Asten - AMENITIES
The Avida Towers Asten have all the facilities and amenities that you need to have your most comfortable experience living here. No matter what your idea of the ideal home life is, you can find amenities here that will help you to achieve the home life you want to live. The developers of Avida Towers Asten understand that there are different home owners with different needs and they understand the importance of diversity in a community such as this.
If you are looking for a modern city home but do not want to live in a place where there is no chance for you to get the outdoors then you will find what you need here. There are a number of open spaces where you and your family can enjoy some outside time and take in a breath of fresh air without leaving the property. There is also the tree garden for those of you who love the outdoors. This is a great place to bring a book and just take some time off to yourself in nature. If you have children you will be happy to make use of the children’s play area with them and they will just love it too. Your children may also enjoy the tree garden and other open outdoor spaces as well if they love the outdoors and love nature.
If you are not too outdoorsy and have allergies to tree pollen and grass then you can find solace and comfort in the fact that there are indoor areas that you can enjoy here on the property. The developers have indoor areas designed so that you don’t have to stay cooped up in your unit all the time while on property. So, if you prefer to have indoor fun, entertainment and relaxation then we have you covered too here at Avida Towers Asten. There are a number of avenues by which you can still enjoy or relax indoors when inside the building without spending all your time in your unit. There is the clubhouse which you can take advantage of as well as the sky lounge. Both are great places where you can get some time away from your home space without leaving the property. For the kid at heart who loves old fashioned fun there is a game room indoors as well. The game room is a great indoor space where both you and your child or children can enjoy time together having fun and bonding all while close to home and indoors.
There is also the pool lounge for those who want to have a bit of fun which includes a body of water. Hang out in the pool lounge, bring a book, bring your music and your earphones and have some solitude amongst people. Or you can bring the family and take the time to chat and have some fun together while hanging around the pool. Take a couple laps in the pool, or just lay lounging or relaxing on the deck or in the water.
For those who want to ensure that exercise is a daily part of their regular lifestyle, take a trek to the indoor gym and enjoy all that the space has to offer. No need for an additional gym membership when you make the Avida Towers Asten your home as that is already included.
All amenities, features and spaces are maintained by the management company at no additional cost with everything calculated and included in one monthly payment. All the above are yours to enjoy when you make the Avida Towers Asten your home.
- Swimming Pool
- Game Room
- Fitness Gym
- Pool
- Sky Garden